Grumpy Cat is everywhere. This kitty marketing machine has worked her way into nearly all facets of popular culture, but the sour-faced feline turned marketing powerhouse isn’t done yet. Now Grumpy Cat can even deliver a weather forecast right to your mobile device.
The Weather Kitty app is a free mobile app for Apple devices (and soon will come to Android devices as well). It gives users a look at the forecast in their area with a photo of a kitty that changes based on the weather and time of day. If it’s warm, for example, users might see a cat outside enjoying a sunny day. Or they could see a cat curled up inside if the forecast calls for rain.
Grumpy Cat Weather App: The Grumpiest Forecast Ever
The Weather Kitty app’s tagline, “Smile every time you check the weather!” isn’t exactly in line with Grumpy Cat’s philosophy though. So the app also offers an in-app purchase called “The Grumpiest Forecast Ever.”
In the Grumpy Cat version of the app, Grumpy Cat can be seen with her signature scowl, along with grumpy captions like, “Your Forecast – 100% chance of failure,” or “Get me out of here,” if the forecast calls for snow.
The Weather Kitty app features over 100 different cats, which are split into different themes including outdoorsy cats and summer fun cats. Grumpy Cat is part of a premium version for $1.99 that also includes an Add Your Own Kitty theme and a Yoga Cats theme.
The app launched in early August as the follow up to the Weather Puppy app. Miami-based duo Shiv Takhar and Suraj Hemnani are responsible for the pair of weather apps.
For Weather Kitty, Grumpy Cat was able to draw attention to the app from the cat’s many dedicated fans, further demonstrating her marketing power.
For Grumpy Cat and her owners, this is just the latest in a long line of projects. Grumpy Cat fans already have a YouTube Channel, an upcoming movie, a book, a coffee beverage, and a number of other themed products and features to satisfy their want for all things Grumpy Cat. Grumpy Cat would make a great case study about how to market an Internet meme.