It’s been a long wait. But last week Motorola finally unveiled the long awaited Moto X. Previous reports have given us some hints about the new phone’s design. But, a year after Google acquired the company, it’s new flagship smartphone has some important features.
The Moto X has a 4.7-inch screen and contoured body that fits easily into the palm of the hand. A 10-megapixel Clear Pixel camera is designed for faster daytime exposures and better low light level performance. The camera is activated with two twists of the wrist while holding the device.
Best of all, those ordering online from the factory can use the Motomaker, software that allows you to choose the front, back, and accents of your phone. And that could even include various wood finishes by the end of the year.
The Moto X will be available from AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint and US Cellular later this summer for $199 with carrier agreement.
A Different Kind of Virtual Assistant
For small business owners one of the most important of the Moto X’s features may be its response to audio commands via Google Now. In a video from Engadget, we can see the phone responding to the question, “Who is Michael Jordan?” with a full audio run down of the player’s stats and other information. This is after searching for that information online in response to a question from its operator.
More impressive is that asking for a single stat, like Jordan’s height, has the smartphone respond with only the specific information queried. You can even ask for directions to a specific location and Google Now will call up a map with full navigation instructions. See more features of the phone in the full video below.
Image: Motorola