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Want a retro paintjob for your iPhone 6s? That would be twice as much

Apple is the king of popularity today, the most influential brand on the market. But some have been following the iconic company since the Apple II and Macintosh days. Unlike the newcomers brought in by the iPod and iPhone, those old fans may be nostalgic for the old rainbow logo.

Colorware could put that retro look on the modern iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The prices are scary though, essentially double what you pay for unpainted device.

iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus
16GB $1,600 $1,700
64GB $1,700 $1,800
128GB $1,800 $1,900

So, if you have any Apple stock from the Macintosh era now’s a good time to sell some. It’s about the only way you can afford the retro paint job.