SMS marketing is a marketing method very few organizations know how to master. Some people don’t even consider it an option. But, if you have a young target demographic, you may be missing out by not using it.
There are very few methods that are as efficient as text messages when it comes to reach younger audiences. Email marketing still works, but young people don’t rely as much on email as many people think. They often spend most of their time on their phones and social media, and, if you want to reach them, this is where you need to be. Let’s take a look at how you can use text message marketing to target younger audiences.
Know the Rules
The very first thing you have to know about SMS marketing is that you have to follow certain rules. You can’t just start sending unsolicited text messages to people. You need to get their express consent.
If you have a newsletter or a loyalty program, for instance, then make sure that you ask them if they want to be on your SMS list. If you already have a big list but didn’t ask them to opt-in on sign up, you can send messages asking them if they want to be on your list. Only then can you start marketing to them actively.
Get the Right Platform
The next thing you need to do is find a proper SMS marketing platform. An SMS platform will allow you to organize your list and send your message to the right people. You’ll be able to segment your list and send special messages to certain people, or send messages to everyone at once.
It’s also a good idea to pick a platform that specializes in your field. If you’re in the political/non-profit field, for instance, then you’ll have much better results with an SMS marketing platform like Tatango.com. It was made specially to collect donations and is perfect for rallying troops as well.
Make Your Message Short but Meaningful
Next, you need to know how to craft powerful text. For this, you need to work on hooking your subscribers, making your intentions clear, and telling them exactly what you want them to do. If this is for a discount, for example, you need to tell them exactly what they will be getting and give them clear instructions on how to redeem that discount, whether it’s clicking a link or sending a text or number sequence.
Be Careful with Sending Times and Frequency
There is no set rule as to how often you should be sending texts to your list, but it’s always better to send not enough texts than too many. We would suggest that you start with about 10 messages per month, or around two per week, track your results, then slightly increase the frequency the next month to track results. If you’re getting better results, keep increasing the frequency in small increments until you find a sweet spot.
Also, try to send messages at times when your prospects are likely to read them and act on them. Early evening is often perfect. Try to avoid sending messages in the morning or midday when they have lots of things to do.
This is all you need to know if you want to start building a solid text message marketing strategy. Continue to study the craft and refine your techniques until you get predictable and replicable results.