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How Do You Call a 1300 number from Overseas?

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1300 numbers are extremely popular in Australia as they give businesses and customers the ability to interact in real time and, in doing so, build a sense of trust. Since Australian companies do business with international customers, many business owners and consumers inquire about whether they can call a 1300 number from outside of Australia. We’ve answered a few of these questions below.

Can You Dial a 1300 Number from Outside Australia?

You can call a 1300 number from overseas, but not from all countries. So if you are unable to dial or connect to an Australia company, it probably means that 1300 numbers aren’t supported in the country you are in. The best way to find out is by contacting your local service provider.

You’ve checked and your country does support 1300 numbers, so why isn’t it working? Sometimes customers don’t dial the 1300 number the right way. If you’re calling from outside Australia, you can’t dial the 1300 number directly. You must dial the overseas code of your country, followed by the Australian code +61 and then the 1300 number of the business you are trying to reach. Otherwise, the call won’t connect. Here are some of the countries from where you can call 1300 numbers:

  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom
  • Thailand
  • New Zealand
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Japan
  • India
  • Indonesia

Alternative Contact Number

Taking the above into consideration, Australian companies who do business with international customers should consider having an alternate landline number in addition to their 1300 number. This will ensure international customers calling from countries where 1300 numbers aren’t supported can get through.

Charges for Overseas Calls to 1300 Numbers

If you make contact with a 1300 number in Australia from overseas, you will be charged based on your local network’s rates. If you’re calling from a mobile, the charges will be higher. So, we suggest you dial a 1300 number from a landline number.

Final Thoughts

1300 numbers are great for Australian business and many local companies are using them. But, they have one limitation – consumers in some countries can’t use them to contact a business. So, Australian companies that serve international customers should offer an alternate number to allow everyone to reach them. This way they will be able to address the needs of both their local and foreign customers.