Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile has been on the cusp of being released for a while now, but it seems Microsoft is about to break their radio silence on this today.
Windows Blog Italia, an Italian site that has been a source of many leaks in the past few days, now reports that Microsoft intends to release Windows 10 Mobile on Thursday, the 17th of March.
This comes just after Vodafone Italy missed their earlier release window of March 7 – 13 and Microsoft and other carriers missed their windows(no pun intended) of November December January and February.
The source cited claims that Microsoft will release it for the 1520, 930, 830, 640, 640 XL, 638 ,636 and 535. As always, you should take this rumour with a tea-spoon of salt given that the web site cannot verify the claims at the moment. Never th
Early 2016 – despite being an indefinite timeframe on the surface – can logically only include January, February and March. As it would also be better for Microsoft’s Q1 statements if they have rolled out Windows 10 to all devices prior to the conclusion of the first quarter, it becomes more and more likely that the update will happen sometime in March.
What do you think of this latest report? Let us know in the comments below.
e less, as their rumour happens to have a definite time frame, it is also easier to verify or disprove than other more nebulous rumours.