Problematic Mobile Phone and Smartphone Use Scales: A Systematic Review

The popularity of smartphones is undeniable in nearly all facets of society. Despite the many…

Problematic Mobile Phone Use and Addiction Across Generations: the Roles of Psychopathological Symptoms and Smartphone Use

Abstract Contemporary technological advances have led to a significant increase in using mobile technologies. Recent…

Mobile phones: Impacts, challenges, and predictions

Abstract The mobile phone is stimulating one of the most important technological revolutions in human…

Problematic smartphone use: Digital approaches to an emerging public health problem

Abstract Problematic smartphone use is an emerging public health problem since the launch of the…

Smartphone Addiction

What is smartphone addiction? While a smartphone, tablet, or computer can be a hugely productive…

20 Common Mobile Phone Problems & Their Solutions

echnology is not always perfect, so you can experience different problems that you can solve…

Common Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and 10 Plus problems, and how to fix them

The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus are two of the best phones released in…

Apple iOS 12.1.2 Causes iPhones WiFi Problems

As a legally motivated rush job, Apple AAPL -1.5% iOS 12.1.2 was always a concern and early reports of mobile data…

Apple iOS 12.1.2 Has A Serious Cellular Data Problem

After a promising start, iOS 12.1.2 is going from bad to worse for iPhone owners and Apple AAPL -0.98%’s legally…

Here’s why Apple’s problem that began in China may spill over to India too

The size of smartphone markets around the world is shrinking and India seems to be only market…